I haven’t disappeared, but I know that the blog has been quiet for some time. I have been doing a lot of work behind the scenes – writing articles, mentoring, and learning. I promise to tell you more about this in the coming weeks. Today I want to share with you an article about habit formation.

If we look at our daily lives we can observe that we make a lot of things out of habit – not really thinking why we did it. We get up, go to the bathroom, dress, get coffee, check Facebook, the News … We don’t stop before we execute each and every one of these actions, we just do them. And so do all the other people.

This makes the theme of habits so important for UX Designers. They are such a big part of peoples’ lives and they affect how users experience our products.

I’m discussing what habits are and how they are formed in the article that was published on the Interaction design Foundation. Read about habits and five ways that designers can use to change them for better user experience.

Read here: Habits: Five ways to help users change them

Until next time,

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